That which we bring forth into the world with an open and pure heart,
continues to live and nourish those still here...


This joyful event is designed to be an exciting evening of fresh locally-sourced food, wine, live music & art… with net proceeds going to support

This chef-inspired event will feature the sublime culinary creations of Jared Brathwaite, co-owner & operator with his wife Tara, of One with Land, a Hudson Valley farm-to-table restaurant which supports our local community by embracing sustainability as its guiding principal. Artfully prepared ingredients curated from some of the finest bounty the region has to offer. A course of hors d’oeuvres and wine will be followed by a 3-course dinner featuring seasonal fare; this experience will not disappoint!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
5:30-6:30pm: hors d’oeuvres and wine
6:30-8:00pm: 3-course dinner
Seasonal fare

DM Gallery
208 Bruynswick Road, New Paltz NY 12561

Tickets $175
Net proceeds donated to

RSVP: 917-693-2214

Find out more about the initiatves of
from Samaras Garden > is an organization that honors the life and legacy of Samara Manger-Weil, a young woman who physically graced this world with her Love, Talent, and above all Laughter.

Those who knew her are forever grateful to have inhabited her world, peered at life through her eyes, experienced the fierce love & impenetrable light emanating from her heart. To have intellectually shared her imagination and immersive expression of her many artistic talents was an experience second to none. In knowing Samara you bore witness to an unwavering loyalty and a friendship that blanketed you in a deep knowing that you are perfect just as you are warts and all. Break bread & hit the dancefloor, you’d be drenched in an effervescent exuberance and uncontainable excitement. Join her deep belly laugh & ExcitedFace and be swept up into the sillies where you laughed and then laughed some more.

In loving Samara you are forever changed…

Join us in our mission to impart positive change and support organizations that fund youth in need. We’re currently focusing on building two Scholarship Funds aligned with Samara’s passions:

The Loving Samara Arts Scholarship Fund

Supporting youth in need who wish to explore, as Samara did, their creativity and share their voice and talents with the world.

Please select Loving Samara Fund. Donations are made through the Community Foundation of the Hudson Valley. Thank you for your donation, all are appreciated and 100% tax-deductible.

The Loving Samara Hebrew School Scholarship Fund

Supporting families in need who desire Hebrew School education for their children. Samara loved her Jewish heritage and the holiday traditions she learned as a young child. She led her friends of all denominal faiths to join in both the reflective somber and joyful reverie of various traditions.

Please scroll down and click DONATE, then choose Samara Manger-Weil L’HADLIK Hebrew School Scholarship Fund from the Donation Designation drop-down menu. Donations are made through Temple Israel of Catskill. Thank you for your donation, all are appreciated and 100% tax-deductible.

The Giving Fund is an organic, dynamic entity and as it grows, it will be able to reach other areas that were also important to Samara such as poverty & food insecurity. She had a monthly Save the Children sponsorship she started as an 8-year-old child that continued for 20 years, up until her untimely passing in 2020. At 13, she donated her bat-mitzvah gifts to help build an orphanage in Ethiopia, filming and documenting her 4-year journey to Mekele, Ethiopia with her friend Amanda (@amcrommett). “Manhattan to Mekele” screened at Woodstock Film Festival in 2008.

It’s not how many years you mark in a lifetime that count, but how you marked the years you lived.